
ICSE 2024
GenderMag Improves Discoverability in the Field, Especially for Women.
Murphy-Hill, E., Elizondo, A., Murillo, A., Harbach, M., Vasilescu, B., Carlson, D., and Dessloch, F.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2024), 973–973.
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ICSE 2024
Novelty Begets Long-Term Popularity, But Curbs Participation: A Macroscopic View of the Python Open-Source Ecosystem.
Fang, H., Herbsleb, J., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2024).
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ICSE 2024
Using an LLM to Help With Code Understanding.
Nam, D., Macvean, A., Hellendoorn, V., Vasilescu, B., and Myers, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2024).
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CHASE 2024
From the Inside Out: Organizational Impact on Open-Source Communities and Women’s Representation.
Frluckaj, H., Qiu, H., Vasilescu, B., and Dabbish, L.
International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, ACM (2024).
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USENIX Security 2024
A taxonomy of C decompiler fidelity issues.
Dramko, L., Lacomis, J., Schwartz, E.J., Vasilescu, B., and Le Goues, C.
USENIX Security Symposium, Oakland ’24, USENIX Association (2024).
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IEEE Software 2024
Developer Productivity for Humans, Part 8: Creativity in Software Engineering.
Inman, S., D’Angelo, S., and Vasilescu, B.
IEEE Software 41, 2 (2024), 11–16.
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Creativity, Generative AI, and Software Development: A Research Agenda.
Jackson, V., Vasilescu, B., Russo, D., et al.
2030 Software Engineering Workshop at FSE, ACM (2024), 1–8.
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ICSE 2023
Improving API Knowledge Discovery with ML: A Case Study of Comparable API Methods.
Nam, D., Myers, B.A., Vasilescu, B., and Hellendoorn, V.
45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2023, Melbourne, Australia, May 14-20, 2023, (2023).
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Gender Representation Among Contributors to Open-Source Infrastructure - An Analysis of 20 Package Manager Ecosystems.
Qiu, H.S., Zhao, Z.H.(co-first author), Yu, T.K., Wang, J., Ma, A., Fang, H., Dabbish, L., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering in Society, ICSE SEIS, ACM (2023).
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CHI 2023
ClimateCoach: A Dashboard for Open-Source Maintainers to Overview Community Dynamics.
Qiu, H.S., Lieb, A., Chou, J., Carneal, M., Mok, J., Amspoker, E., Vasilescu, B., and Dabbish, L.
International conference of Human-Computer Interaction, CHI, ACM (2023).
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Matching Skills, Past Collaboration, and Limited Competition: Modeling When Open-Source Projects Attract Contributors.
Fang, H., Herbsleb, J., and Vasilescu, B.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2023).
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“We Feel Like We’re Winging It:” A Study on Navigating Open-Source Dependency Abandonmen.
Miller, C., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2023).
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CHASE 2023
Understanding information diffusion about open-source projects on Twitter, HackerNews, and Reddit.
Fang, H., Vasilescu, B., and Herbsleb, J.
International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, (2023).
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USENIX Security 2022
Augmenting Decompiler Output with Learned Variable Names and Types.
Chen, Q., Lacomis, J., Schwartz, E.J., Le Goues, C., Neubig, G., and Vasilescu, B.
USENIX Security Symposium, Oakland ’22, USENIX Association (2022).
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MSR Data 2022
The Unsolvable Problem or the Unheard Answer? A Dataset of 24,669 Open-Source Software Conference Talks.
Truong, K., Miller, C., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Showcase Track, MSR, ACM (2022).
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TOSEM 2022
In-IDE Code Generation from Natural Language: Promise and Challenges.
Xu, F.F., Vasilescu, B., and Neubig, G.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 31, 2 (2022).
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TOSEM 2022
DIRE and its Data: Neural Decompiled Variable Renamings with Respect to Software Class.
Dramko, L., Lacomis, J., Yin, P., Schwartz, E.J., Allamanis, M., Neubig, G., Vasilescu, B., and Le Goues, C.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol., (2022).
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ICSE 2022
VarCLR: Variable Semantic Representation Pre-training via Contrastive Learning.
Chen, Q., Lacomis, J., Schwartz, E.J., Neubig, G., Vasilescu, B., and Le Goues, C.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2022).
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ICSE 2022
“This Is Damn Slick!” Estimating the Impact of Tweets on Open Source Project Popularity and New Contributors.
Fang, H., Lamba, H., Herbsleb, J., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2022).
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ICSE 2022
“Did You Miss My Comment or What?” Understanding Toxicity in Open Source Discussions.
Miller, C., Cohen, S., Klug, D., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2022).
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Detecting Interpersonal Conflict in Issues and Code Review: Cross Pollinating Open- and Closed-Source Approaches.
Qiu, H.S., Vasilescu, B., Kästner, C., Egelman, C., Jaspan, C., and Murphy-Hill, E.
International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Society, ICSE, ACM (2022).
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MSR Hackathon 2021
The Diversity-Innovation Paradox in Open-Source Software.
Yong, M.S., Paganini, L., Qiu, H.S., and Calderón, J.B.S.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR Hackathon, (2021).
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CHASE 2021
Approaches to Diversifying the Programmer Community – The Case of the Girls Coding Day.
Qiu, H.S., Yang, W., and Nolte, A.
International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, (2021).
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ACL 2020
Incorporating External Knowledge through Pre-training for Natural Language to Code Generation.
Xu, F.F., Jiang, Z., Yin, P., Vasilescu, B., and Neubig, G.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL, ACL (2020), 6045–6052.
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Heard It through the Gitvine: An Empirical Study of Tool Diffusion across the npm Ecosystem.
Lamba, H., Trockman, A., Armanios, D., Kästner, C., Miller, H., and Vasilescu, B.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2020), 505–517.
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MSR 2020
Detecting and Characterizing Bots that Commit Code.
Dey, T., Mousavi, S., Ponce, E., Fry, T., Vasilescu, B., Filippova, A., and Mockus, A.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2020), 209–219.
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CHASE 2020
Multitasking Across Industry Projects: A Replication Study.
Kohl, K., Vasilescu, B., and Prikladnicki, R.
CHASE Workshop, International Conference on Software Engineering, (2020), 93–100.
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MSR 2020
Need for Tweet: How Open Source Developers Talk About Their GitHub Work on Twitter.
Fang, H., Klug, D., Lamba, H., Herbsleb, J., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2020), 322–326.
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MSR 2020
Capture the Feature Flag: Detecting Feature Flags in Open-Source.
Meinicke, J., Hoyos, J., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2020), 169–173.
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ICSE 2020
How to Not Get Rich: An Empirical Study of Donations in Open Source.
Overney, C., Meinicke, J., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2020), 1209–1221.
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ICSE 2020
How Has Forking Changed in the Last 20 Years? A Study of Hard Forks on GitHub.
Zhou, S., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2020), 445–456.
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Stress and Burnout in Open Source: Toward Finding, Understanding, and Mitigating Unhealthy Interactions.
Raman, N., Cao, M., Tsvetkov, Y., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, New Ideas and Emerging Results, ICSE, ACM (2020), 57–60.
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Exploring Differences and Commonalities between Feature Flags and Configuration Options.
Meinicke, J., Wong, C.-P., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
International Conference on Software Engineering, Software Engineering in Practice, ICSE, ACM (2020), 233–242.
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SANER 2020
The Silent Helper: The Impact of Continuous Integration on Code Reviews.
Cassee, N., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER, IEEE (2020), 423–434.
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ASE 2019
MARBLE: Mining for Boilerplate Code to Identify API Usability Problems.
Nam, D., Horvath, A., Macvean, A., Myers, B., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE, IEEE (2019), 615–627.
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ASE 2019
DIRE: A Neural Approach to Decompiled Identifier Naming.
Lacomis, J., Yin, P., Schwartz, E.J., Allamanis, M., Le Goues, C., Neubig, G., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE, IEEE (2019), 628–639.
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CSCW 2019
The Signals that Potential Contributors Look for When Choosing Open-source Projects.
Qiu, H.S., Li, Y.L., Padala, S., Sarma, A., and Vasilescu, B.
ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, CSCW, ACM (2019).
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What the Fork: A Study of Inefficient and Efficient Forking Practices in Social Coding.
Zhou, S., Vasilescu, B., and Kästner, C.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2019), 350–361.
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A Conceptual Replication of Continuous Integration Pain Points in the Context of Travis CI.
Widder, D., Hilton, M., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2019), 647–658.
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IST 2019
A large-scale, in-depth analysis of developers’ personalities in the Apache ecosystem.
Calefato, F., Lanubile, F., and Vasilescu, B.
Information and Software Technology 114, (2019), 1–20.
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MSR 2019
Striking Gold in Software Repositories? An Econometric Study of Cryptocurrencies on GitHub.
Trockman, A., van Tonder, R., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, IEEE (2019), 181–185.
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MSR 2019
Does UML Modeling Associate with Lower Defect Proneness?: A Preliminary Empirical Investigation.
Raghuraman, A., Ho-Quang, T., Chaudron, M.R.V., Serebrenik, A., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, IEEE (2019), 101–104.
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OSS 2019
Why do People Give Up FLOSSing? A Study of Contributor Disengagement in Open Source.
Miller, C., Widder, D., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Open Source Systems, OSS, Springer (2019), 116–129.
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ICSE 2019
Going Farther Together: The Impact of Social Capital on Sustained Participation in Open Source.
Qiu, H.S., Nolte, A., Brown, A., Serebrenik, A., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019), 688–699.
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ICSE 2019
Socio-Technical Work-Rate Increase Associates With Changes in Work Patterns in Online Projects.
Sarker, F., Vasilescu, B., Blincoe, K., and Filkov, V.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019), 936–947.
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ICSE 2019
Tool Choice Matters: JavaScript Quality Assurance Tools and Usage Outcomes in GitHub Projects.
Kavaler, D., Trockman, A., Vasilescu, B., and Filkov, V.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019), 476–487.
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ICSE 2019
BugSwarm: Mining and Continuously Growing a Dataset of Reproducible Failures and Fixes.
Dmeiri, N., Tomassi, D.A., Wang, Y., Bhowmick, A., Liu, Y.-C., Devanbu, P.T., Vasilescu, B., and Rubio-González, C.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, IEEE (2019), 339–349.
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Ecosystem-Level Determinants of Sustained Activity in Open-Source Projects: A Case Study of the PyPI Ecosystem.
Valiev, M., Vasilescu, B., and Herbsleb, J.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2018), 644–655.
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One Size Does Not Fit All: An Empirical Study of Containerized Continuous Deployment Workflows.
Zhang, Y., Vasilescu, B., Wang, H., and Filkov, V.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2018), 295–306.
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SoftwareMining 2018
Within-Ecosystem Issue Linking: A Large-scale Study of Rails.
Zhang, Y., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Vasilescu, B., and Filkov, V.
International Workshop on Software Mining, SoftwareMining, ACM (2018), 12–19.
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ICSE 2018
Adding Sparkle to Social Coding: An Empirical Study of Repository Badges in the npm Ecosystem.
Trockman, A., Zhou, S., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2018), 511–522.
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MSR 2018
I’m Leaving You, Travis: A Continuous Integration Breakup Story.
Widder, D., Hilton, M., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2018), 165–169.
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MSR 2018
“Automatically Assessing Code Understandability” Reanalyzed: Combined Metrics Matter.
Trockman, A., Cates, K., Mozina, M., Nguyen, T., Kästner, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2018), 314–318.
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MSR 2018
Learning to Mine Aligned Code and Natural Language Pairs from Stack Overflow.
Yin, P., Deng, B., Chen, E., Vasilescu, B., and Neubig, G.
International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, ACM (2018), 476–486.
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ICPC 2018
Meaningful Variable Names for Decompiled Code: A Machine Translation Approach.
Jaffe, A., Lacomis, J., Schwartz, E.J., Le Goues, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Program Comprehension, ICPC, ACM (2018), 20–30.
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ICGSE 2018
On Developers’ Personality in Large-scale Distributed Projects: The Case of the Apache Ecosystem.
Calefato, F., Iaffaldano, G., Lanubile, F., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE, ACM (2018).
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ICGSE 2018
Is Stack Overflow in Portuguese a ractive for Brazilian Users?
Botto-Tobar, M., Torres, W., Lozano, A., Brand, M.G.J. van den, Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
International Conference on Global Software Engineering, ICGSE, ACM (2018), 21–29.
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EMSE 2017
EnTagRec++: An Enhanced Tag Recommendation System for Software Information Sites.
Wang, S., Lo, D., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
Empirical Software Engineering 23, 2 (2018), 800–832.
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ASE 2017
The Impact of Continuous Integration on Other Software Development Practices: A Large-Scale Empirical Study.
Zhao, Y., Zhou, Y., Serebrenik, A., Filkov, V., and Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE, IEEE (2017), 60–71.
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Recovering Clear, Natural Identifiers from Obfuscated JavaScript Names.
Vasilescu, B., Casalnuovo, C., and Devanbu, P.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, ACM (2017), 683–693.
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SWAN 2017
Timezone and Time-of-Day Variance in GitHub Teams: An Empirical Method and Study.
Devanbu, P., Kudigrama, P., Rubio-González, C., and Vasilescu, B.
International Workshop on Software Analytics, SWAN, ACM (2017), 19–22.
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ICSE 2016
The Sky is Not the Limit: Multitasking on GitHub Projects.
Vasilescu, B., Blincoe, K., Xuan, Q., Casalnuovo, C., Damian, D., Devanbu, P., and Filkov, V.
International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, ACM (2016), 994–1005.
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CHI 2016
Among the Machines: Human-Bot Interaction on Social Q&A Websites.
Murgia, A., Janssens, D., Demeyer, S., and Vasilescu, B.
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI Extended Abstracts, ACM (2016), 1272–1279.
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Quality and Productivity Outcomes Relating to Continuous Integration in GitHub.
Vasilescu, B., Yu, Y., Wang, H., Devanbu, P., and Filkov, V.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, IEEE (2015), 805–816.
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Developer Onboarding in GitHub: The Role of Prior Social Links and Language Experience.
Casalnuovo, C., Vasilescu, B., Devanbu, P., and Filkov, V.
Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, ESEC/FSE, IEEE (2015), 817–828.
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MSR 2015
Wait For It: Determinants of Pull Request Evaluation Latency on GitHub.
Yu, Y., Wang, H., Filkov, V., Devanbu, P., and Vasilescu, B.
12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, MSR, IEEE (2015), 367–371.
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MSR 2015
A Data Set for Social Diversity Studies of GitHub Teams.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Filkov, V.
12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Track, MSR, IEEE (2015), 514–517.
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CHASE 2015
Perceptions of Diversity on GitHub: A User Survey.
Vasilescu, B., Filkov, V., and Serebrenik, A.
8th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering, CHASE, IEEE (2015), 50–56.
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EMSE 2015
Developer Initiation and Social Interactions in OSS: A Case Study of the Apache Software Foundation.
Gharehyazie, M., Posnett, D., Vasilescu, B., and Filkov, V.
Empirical Software Engineering 20, 5 (2015), 1318–1353.
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CHI 2015
Gender and tenure diversity in GitHub teams.
Vasilescu, B., Posnett, D., Ray, B., Brand, M.G.J. van den, Serebrenik, A., Devanbu, P., and Filkov, V.
CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI, ACM (2015), 3789–3798.
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SCP 2014
How healthy are software engineering conferences?
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., Mens, T., Brand, M.G.J. van den, and Pek, E.
Science of Computer Programming 89, Part C, (2014), 251–272.
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IWC 2014
Gender, representation and online participation: A quantitative study.
Vasilescu, B., Capiluppi, A., and Serebrenik, A.
Interacting with Computers 26, 5 (2014), 488–511.
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ICSME 2014
Continuous integration in a social-coding world: Empirical evidence from GitHub.
Vasilescu, B., Schuylenburg, S. van, Wulms, J., Serebrenik, A., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, Early Research Achievements, ICSME, IEEE (2014), 401–405.
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ICSME 2014
EnTagRec: An Enhanced Tag Recommendation System for Software Information Sites.
Wang, S., Lo, D., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution, ICSME, IEEE (2014), 291–300.
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QoSA 2014
Formalizing correspondence rules for automotive architectural views.
Dajsuren, Y., Gerpheide, C.M., Serebrenik, A., Wijs, A., Vasilescu, B., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
10th International ACM Sigsoft Conference on Quality of Software Architectures, QoSA, ACM (2014), 129–138.
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MSR 2014
Lean GHTorrent: GitHub data on demand.
Gousios, G., Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Zaidman, A.
11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Track, MSR, ACM (2014), 384–387.
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MSR 2014
Security and emotion: Sentiment analysis of security discussions on GitHub.
Pletea, D., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Challenge Track, MSR, ACM (2014), 348–351.
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MSR 2014
FLOSS 2013: A survey dataset about free software contributors: challenges for curating, sharing, and combining.
Robles, G., Arjona-Reina, L., Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Gonzalez-Barahona, J.M.
11th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Track, MSR, ACM (2014), 396–399.
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CSCW 2014
Software developers are humans, too!
Vasilescu, B.
17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Doctoral Colloquium, CSCW, ACM (2014), 97–100.
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ICSE 2014
Human aspects, gamification, and social media in collaborative software engineering.
Vasilescu, B.
International Conference on Software Engineering, Doctoral Symposium, ICSE, ACM (2014), 646–649.
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CSCW 2014
How social Q&A sites are changing knowledge sharing in open source software communities.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., Devanbu, P.T., and Filkov, V.
17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, CSCW, ACM (2014), 342–354.
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EMSE 2013
On the variation and specialisation of workload – A case study of the Gnome ecosystem community.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., Goeminne, M., and Mens, T.
Empirical Software Engineering 19, 4 (2013), 955–1008.
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JSEP 2012
Software quality metrics aggregation in industry.
Mordal, K., Anquetil, N., Laval, J., Serebrenik, A., Vasilescu, B., and Ducasse, S.
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 25, 10 (2013).
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WCRE 2013
Assessing the complexity of upgrading software modules.
Schoenmakers, B., Broek, N. van den, Nagy, I., Vasilescu, B., and Serebrenik, A.
20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Practice Track, WCRE, IEEE (2013), 433–440.
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SocialCom 2013
Stack Overflow and GitHub: Associations between software development and crowdsourced knowledge.
Vasilescu, B., Filkov, V., and Serebrenik, A.
2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, Social Computing, IEEE (2013), 188–195.
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SocInfo 2013
The Babel of software development: Linguistic diversity in Open Source.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
5th International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo, Springer (2013), 391–404.
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MSR 2013
A historical dataset of software engineering conferences.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Mens, T.
10th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, Data Track, MSR, ACM (2013), 373–376.
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ICSME 2012
Who’s who in GNOME: using LSA to merge software repository identities.
Kouters, E., Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
28th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Early Research Achievements, ICSM, IEEE (2012), 592–595.
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Social Informatics 2012
Gender, representation and online participation: A quantitative study of Stack Overflow.
Vasilescu, B., Capiluppi, A., and Serebrenik, A.
2012 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Informatics, Social Informatics, IEEE (2012), 332–338.
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A splitting line model for directional relations.
Buchin, K., Kusters, V., Speckmann, B., Staals, F., and Vasilescu, B.
19th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, ACMGIS, ACM (2011), 142–151.
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ICSME 2011
You can’t control the unfamiliar: A study on the relations between aggregation techniques for software metrics.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, ICSM, IEEE (2011), 313–322.
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WETSoM 2011
By no means: A study on aggregating software metrics.
Vasilescu, B., Serebrenik, A., and Brand, M.G.J. van den.
2nd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics, WETSoM, ACM (2011), 23–26.
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Wean Hall 5115, Institute for Software Research
School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 USA