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Starting with women percentage of 2.13% among core contributors in year xxxx and 2.25% among all contributors , the number has been steadily growing between 2008 and 2021. Moreover, we found that, between 2014 and 2021, the women percentage among cores has surpassed the percentage among all, leaving a slight but constant margin of 0.3%.
Contributors and Commits
It is a well-known phenomenon that the percentage of women contributors is low in the OSS community. Through mining the data of open-source projects on GitHub, we found that women’s participation among all contributors has been constantly low, with the percentage being lower than higher than 5.0%.
% of Women in Ecosystems
The graph shows the percentage of women contributors at its maximum and minimum in each ecosystem. Some ecosystems have a higher percentage of women contributors than others.
Ecosystems by Size and Women Percentage

More specific to gender distributions, we observed that the percentages of female contributors varied across different ecosystems. We also found that languages that are commonly used for web development, especially frontend development, like HTML and CSS, have higher female ratio in general.